Contents: textarea progress fieldset input form datalists videos


textareas show like this:

but they function like this:

    <textarea id="id" style="width: 213px; height: 82px;"></textarea>

these are useful for comments or markup fourm posting because they support text input and resizing (drag the lines on the bottom right corner of it)


progress bars show like this:

but they function like this:


these are useful for marking progress in a game, saving data, or uploading files/text, etc


fieldsets show in two ways, with a legend, and without a legend

this is with a legend:

Your Text Here

your text here

and this is without a legend:

your text here

but they function like this:

    <legend>your text here</legend>
    <p>your text here</p>

these are useful for marking places on a form(s)

tip: add some basic CSS to add colour


inputs show in lots of ways, because they have lots of types, such as: text, button, email, address, phone, file, etc

so i'll only show text, buttons, and files

buttons show like this:

text shows like this:

files show like this:

buttons function like this:

    <input type="button">

text functions like this:

    <input type="text">

files function like this:

    <input type="file">

inputs are very useful for submit buttons, sign in/login pages, etc

tip: add placeholder="your placeholder" to your text inputs to help users know what they're for


forms dont show because they are used to add actions to inputsšŸ •.

forms function like this (with an inputšŸ •):

    <input type="text">


datalists are used to store items that can be searched for in an inputšŸ •.

datalists show like this (with an inputšŸ •):

datalists function like this (with an inputšŸ •):

    <input type="text" list="options">
    <datalist id="options">
    <option value="option">
    <option value="list">


I think this one is self-explanatory.

Video tags show like this:

video tags function like this:

    <video width="320" height="240" controls>
      <source src="video name.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    Your browser does not support the video tag.